You can check the files and force closed the file that you do not require. The Activity Monitor shows you all the active files in the window. The might be different on the MAC computer, but the application does the same job as the windows task manager. You could be able to monitor all the background activity on the Mac computer using this program. On the MAC OS, the task manager has named the Activity Monitor program. The MAC OS works differently compared to the windows operating system. The control alt delete, the windows task manager’s shortcut, would not work on the Mac computer. It will proceed ahead to your instruction and complete the program making the MAC OS run smoothly again as usual. Once the activity monitor window is opened, select the program that you want to close and hit the force quit from the top navigation to instruct the MAC OS to close the program running in the background. Use this shortcut key to open the Activity monitor window on your MAC computer.
We will help find the task manager program on the MAC computer, so when you need the program next time, you would be able to access it immediately. Have you ever wonder how you will use the control alt delete Mac? Many of you who recently shifted from the windows computer to Mac would have this most common question in mind.